Sunday, July 20, 2014

The Nature Of Brahman or The Absolute Truth

I invite people to buy my books on spirituality which are available on :

  1. My Humble Understanding Of Spirituality
  2. Attain Infinite Bliss - A Spiritual Guide
  3. The Spirit Of Spirituality


I have used the term Brahman in several posts earlier. Brahman is a technical term used in Vedantic literature to refer to the Ultimate Truth. While it is impossible for us to fully understand the grandeur of this Brahman, we can have some pointers to understand the nature of Brahman.

Some of the common words used to describe Brahman are:

  • Witness
  • All pervading
  • Perfect
  • Non-dual
  • Free
  • Consciousness
  • Action-less
  • Desire-less
  • Quiet

Let me try to tell my understanding of these words as used to describe Brahman.


To understand this concept, let us imagine a movie hall. The white screen is the medium on which the projector throws images and we see the movie. What if the screen was not there? There would be no movie. Does the screen get affected in any way by what is projected on it? Absolutely not! Else imagine the effort in cleaning up all the blood after a gory movie or the number of tissues that it would need to wipe tears during an emotional scene!

In exactly the same way, Brahman is the silent witness behind every action of ours at the body/mind/intellect level. It is not impacted by any of our actions, but without it providing a base, we would not be able to perform any of our actions.

All pervading

To understand this concept, we should think of space. Can we point to a particular place and say that is where space is. Yes, space is there in the largest building as also in the smallest crevice. It is all pervading, yet cannot be seen or felt. Only when there is an object, it seemingly appears as though space is divided.

In exactly the same way, Brahman is all pervading and is the only reality. Whenever there is an object, it appears as though Brahman is divided. But in reality, Brahman is all pervading and undivided and is the only reality.


To understand this concept, let us assume we are in a dream. Now, where do characters in dream come from? They come from me. As more and more characters come in the dream, is anything form the real me taken? Also, assuming that I am also in the dream and I get killed in the dream, does anything get taken away from the real me? Nothing happens to the real me because of whatever happens in the dream. I am perfect.

In exactly the same way, though this whole universe consisting of illusory objects arises from Brahman, Brahman perse is perfect. Nothing gets added to it nor is anything subtracted from it in the process of creating this universe or by anything that the universe does.


I described earlier that Brahman is all pervading and we took the example of space. Now, can we have multiple spaces? Please do not think of the space in a big building as different from the space in a crevice. Space is the same. There are no multiple spaces.

In exactly the same way, Brahman is unique and only one. It appears as though there are multiple entities or life forms only due to our ignorance and identification with the ego. The soul that seemingly appears different in each life form is one and the same as the Brahman.


When do we lose our freedom? Obviously when we are in bondage! Forget the bondage due to imprisonment for a crime. I am talking here of the bondage due to desire for physical objects, emotional objects or intellectual objects. So long as we have a desire for these, we are bound and not free. But why do we get these desires? It is because we see another living entity as separate from us and if my neighbor has a better BMW I get a desire and am bound; If his wife is more beautiful, I get a emotional desire and am bound. If my colleague gets a promotion, I have an intellectual desire and am bound.

But, as described above Brahman is the only reality and is non-dual. So there is nothing for Brahman to compare and desire. Without desire there is no bondage. without bondage, Brahman is totally free!


We are what our thoughts are. Thoughts leads to desires which lead to action. Without thoughts we do not exist. When we are fast asleep, are there any thoughts? None absolutely. When I am in deep sleep state(no dreams), do i know whether I exist or i am alive? If I knew I existed or that I am alive, I would not be in deep sleep. However, what is the first thing or thought that arises when I wake up. It is that, " I am" or I exist. I am conscious of the fact that I exist and then other thoughts start. This awareness principle that I am is provided by Brahman. Only the moment, a name gets added to the "I Am", by saying, "I am Jim or Joe or Rama", the ego has taken over.

Brahman is just the consciousness principle giving ability to have thoughts, desires and actions. Brahman, by itself does not have any thoughts.

Action-less, desire-less and quiet

This flows from the above characteristics of Brahman. Since Brahman is non-dual and has no thoughts, there are no desires and hence no action. Here lack of action should not be taken to mean sloth or laziness.

Why is our mind not quiet? It is because of desires or if we get what we desire, the fear of losing it. Our minds are constantly agitated. No wonder, the drug companies make a fortune selling sleeping drugs or anti-depressants. Imagine a situation where the mind is totally quiet and experience the bliss. Since Brahman has no thoughts, desires or actions, it is totally quiet and is in a action-less quiet, serene condition of ultimate infinite bliss.

As readers may be aware, 3 of my books on spirituality are available on

I invite readers of my blog to try any of the books and give me feedback so that I can make changes in the next edition.

1. My Humble Understanding  Of Spirituality

My Humble Understanding Of Spirituality

2. Attain Infinite Bliss

Attain Infinite Bliss - A Spiritual Guide

3. The Spirit Of Spirituality

The Spirit Of Spirituality

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