Sunday, August 16, 2015

18 Walls Of Separation From Bliss

Readers may start wondering whether I am blogging on numerology.  Far from it...! I know nothing of numerology and cannot comment on it at all. But the number 18 is a fascinating number. Please join me in the adventure to discover significance of 18.

Let's start with one of the greatest epics of all times, the Mahabharatha. There are 18 Parvas or main chapters. The Mahabharatha as readers are aware is a battle between two sets of cousins. Let us see how many army units were in the battle. The Kaurava army had 11 battalions or units and the Pandavas had 7 battalions or units. It adds up to a total of 18 battalions. Let us step into the Mahabharatha and look at its most precious gem, the Bhagwad Gita. How many chapters does it have? It has 18 chapters. 

What is  so significant about the number 18 from a spiritual perspective? It signifies the gates to be crossed before an entity(Jiva) can realize its true identity(Brahman). Let us try and understand this better. I have covered earlier that our essential nature is of happiness or bliss or Brahman. However, due to massive ignorance, I have arrogated to myself the state of smallness or a dissatisfied individual. Why is it difficult for me, the individual to realize that I am Brahman? It is because I have created a series of barriers between myself and Brahman. Let us try to enumerate these barriers.

1. Set of 5 senses

We are drawn to the world of objects through our 5 senses, which all know and I dont need to elaborate. However let me briefly tell the impact of sense organs.A fish gets caught due to the sense of taste. A deer stands still to the beat of a drum and is caught. So, we as humans are drawn to the world with all the sense organs. Imagine the impact!

2. Set of 5 action organs

It is not enough if we have sense organs. We need a method to do action to acquire and enjoy the sense objects. Hence we have the 5 action organs : Hands, Legs, Mouth, Reproductive organ and the Waste eliminating organ. 

3. Set of 5 internal organs

What is it that really creates ability to see, hear, touch, talk, walk etc? It is not the action organs or the sense organs by themselves. Most people would be aware of the above 2 sets. But this set of internal organs may require more elaboration.

a. The ability to intake: This is the essential force that enables us to intake anything, be it food, air, ideas, talk, signals from sense objects etc.

b. The ability to expel or throw out: This is the essential force that enables us to exhale, eliminate waste products, deliver life creating ability, deliver a new born child etc.

c. The ability to digest : This is the essential force that gives us the ability to digest the food we take.

d. The ability to assimilate/circulate: This is the essential force that allows the body to assimilate or circulate nutrition oxygen etc to every part of the body.

e. The ability to express/stand/grow : It’s the force behind all growth, our ability to stand erect, speech, effort, enthusiasm and will. This is the essential force that enables us to express our thoughts, feelings etc into a form that can be understood by others.

4. Set of 3 subtle organs

a. Mind: Just because we have the sense organs or action organs means nothing in terms of perception. The signals from the sense organs reach the mind where they are processed into information/perception. Without the mind, the signals from the sense organs are just electrical signals with nothing to process and hence no perception.

b. Memory : As we know, one of the things that binds us is memory. We remember a happy event in a particular place and like or are bound to it. We have memories of a unpleasant situation and hence we are bound to disliking it.

c. Ego: Our final barrier is the ego. Ego is that sense of identity, separateness etc. This is what creates a sense of duality and separation form the Supreme. The separation creates a void which we try to fill with sense objects acquired through the interaction of the above 3 sets of 5 organs each.

So, once we add up all the barriers we have a total of 18.  So, we as limited individuals have covered ourselves with a solid fortress of 18 walls. What have we separated ourselves from? We are separated from our true nature. The true nature is absolute and permanent bliss. Once we understand the nature of the various barriers and dismantle them one by one, we will be united with our true nature and after that it is only bliss.

As readers may be aware, 3 of my books on spirituality are available on

I invite readers of my blog to try any of the books and give me feedback so that I can make changes in the next edition.

1. My Humble Understanding  Of Spirituality

My Humble Understanding Of Spirituality

2. Attain Infinite Bliss

Attain Infinite Bliss - A Spiritual Guide

3. The Spirit Of Spirituality

The Spirit Of Spirituality



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