Monday, December 26, 2011

The hierarchy of charity

Most of us are awestruck when we read of Warren Buffet’s charitable giving or Bill Gates charity. In spiritual terms, that is just the first step of charity. Obviously the lowest level is when a person just acquires for his own selfish reasons. Giving away of money is the next level where there is some unselfishness. At the same time that we have been hearing of Buffet’s charity, I read about a cab driver in NYC, who uses his earnings to fund a school for poor children in his home town in India. Now, compared to the fact that Buffet gives off billions, the mere thousands that the cab driver gives seems small. But I am sure readers will appreciate the value of sacrifice in the cab driver’s attitude compared to Buffet’s. I do not believe that by giving off his wealth, there is any reduction in the lifestyle of Buffet nor is there any hardship. However by giving away his meager earnings, the cab driver is probably sacrificing his own better standard of living. So whose sacrifice or charity is higher?

We atleast in USA can call 911 for any medical emergency and the ambulance comes immediately or the fire fighter comes immediately. At this special hour of need, what is more important for us, money or the fact that someone has actually come to give his or her service? So the act of a person wherein he gives his own toil or service either to drive a sick person to hospital or help bring down the fire or rolls up his sleeves to help paint a poor person’s house is doing a more charitable act than the person sitting and writing out a check.

The next level of charity or sacrifice is where we hear of people giving blood or their own kidneys to save someone.  Again readers will agree that giving away of something that is “my very own” is a bigger sacrifice than giving away money. Whereas giving away money may involve some hardship, there is always a significant probability of recovering what has been given up, whereas in a case like a kidney donation, what is the chance? So compared to a person who gives money as charity, isn’t the act of donating a kidney a much higher level of sacrifice?

We are aware of old age homes or homes for orphans. It is great that there are donors who give in money or kind to support such institutions. But do the aged or the orphans want just money or food. What is it that the lack or long for? Don’t they long for affection or someone to talk? Wont an old person be happier if he got someone who would talk to him rather than getting an extra piece of bread? Won’t orphans look for a person who could read it a story than getting an additional lollipop? So, isn’t the act of giving emotion, giving love, giving affection a higher level of giving than just signing off a cheque?

I am walking on the road and see a poor person. I can take pity and give some money or food to him. How long will it last? Couple of hours? I can sit and commiserate with him. I cannot do it forever? So what is it that I can do to make his life better? Is it possible that I can teach him some skill, which can make him earn his daily bread and provide him longer time happiness? Isn’t commonly said that it is better to teach a man how to fish than giving him a fish? So, this would make the act of giving knowledge a higher act of charity.

Finally, what if someone grants me the ability to be permanently happy? What If someone could forever remove all sources of grief? What If someone could help me lead a tension free life? What if there was some knowledge that could reduce the greed of people and make everyone more charitable? What if there was some knowledge that would reduce enmity amongst people based on race, culture, whatever? Wont I be ready to give up everything for this gift from someone?
Well, as most readers would have guessed, this gift is spiritual knowledge. We know that spiritual knowledge, be it, in any religion has given comfort and peace to millions more than what any charity could give. Just about 700 verses of the Bhagwad Gita have probably produced more profound impact on the world than all the physical charities put together. The life and teachings of Christ probably have provided deliverance from suffering for several generations and can in no way compared to the impact of any of the charities.

But how can I as an individual give this charity? The obvious answer is that I can give this charity only by me knowing it first. If Buddha had not spent time in solitude thinking of the supreme, would he have been able to deliver the finest teachings? So does this act of solitude and desire to learn, constitute a selfish act? It is easy for anyone to understand that the act of acquiring spiritual knowledge is a phenomenally charitable work because it gives the ability to bring about betterment for several more people than the mere act of any other charities described above.

As readers may be aware, 3 of my books on spirituality are available on

I invite readers of my blog to try any of the books and give me feedback so that I can make changes in the next edition.

1. My Humble Understanding  Of Spirituality

My Humble Understanding Of Spirituality

2. Attain Infinite Bliss

Attain Infinite Bliss - A Spiritual Guide

3. The Spirit Of Spirituality

The Spirit Of Spirituality

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